Thank you for sponsoring a Bloom. They represent renewal, confidence and success, attributes that we hope will flourish in our patients when they visit our new centre.

Your messages

"Happy Mothers Day - Judy Prime"

"To Nan Happy 80th Birthday we Love you so much. Love from Kimberley and Stewart xxx"

"Judy P" 

"To all those who have been affected by cancer and a big thank you to all the staff for their amazing work."

"Bev Lowne - Muma Bear"

"Dear Mumsie Happy mothers day we love you Natalie and Lucy"

"Thank you to the amazing breast care team"

"With thanks for my treatment and in memory of a cousin lost to breast cancer"

"For our wonderful Mum, Joy xxx"

"With thanks from Thedwastre Trefoil Guild"

"To the lovely breast team, Thank you for all your hard work"

"A worthy charity"

"Happy Mothers day Mum, What a beautiful new unit and amazing care that goes with it. Thank you to all"

"May my daughters never suffer"

"Dear Mum/Granny, wishing you a very happy birthday. This bloom will stay as a reminder of hope for all those who fight against breast cancer"

"Happy Easter to my wonderful family and friends who I love with all my heart"

"Thank you to Mr Tuffaha and all his team, breast nurses and everyone who works in the Clinic for supporting me to have risk reducing surgery recently. The care that I received during what was an extremely difficult decision to make was outstanding. During Covid, I along with all the other patients had to do some really scary things alone and I truly will never forget the kindness and care I received from you all, from the lady in reception who remembered me and asks how I am when I return for checks to the breast nurses who held my hand and supported me when I was terrified waiting for results and having drains removed! You all do an absolutely amazing job and I will forever be grateful to Ipswich hospital for giving me a chance to hopefully reduce my risk of developing cancer, I know many don’t get this chance so I am forever grateful. Thank you xx"

"In memory"

"With my love for the amazing support during my treatment x"

"To all the wonderful breast care staff making a hard journey more bearable."

"Dear Harriet, So proud and humbled by the amazing work you do at the Breast Care Centre to help women. Love you loads. Love Mum xxxx"

"From Zumba Anna"

"In loving memory of my dear daughter in law"

"A big thank you to the staff and the Ipswich Breast cancer centre for all the wonderful care and treatment I received during my Breast Cancer in 2012"

"For all the ladies (and sometimes gentlemen) I have the privilege of meeting through my work at Ipswich x"

"This bloom is to brighten up everyone's visit to the hospital"

"Miss you mum XXX 🎃"

"Granny - A special gift for you to remember your previous battle and the wonderful future ahead of you"

Sponsor a Bloom